Saturday, 19 November 2011

Get enough iodine in a healthy diet

Get enough iodine in the diet is essential for proper thyroid function, which in turn controls a crucial number bodily processes.

Iodized salt is how many get their daily dose, they can have people on special diets to focus on other foods to get enough iodine in their diets.

The thyroid gland uses iodine to produce two hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Given that the human body cannot synthesize iodine, obtaining sufficient diet is essential.

These hormones regulate the metabolism of every cell in the human body so if the thyroid is not correctly functioning brain fog, fatigue, weight gain, weakness or depression may be a sign. Also, birth defects can be mothers results iodine deficient and severe iodine deficiency in a goiter (enlarged thyroid).

While the goiter is rare in developed nations, slight iodine deficiencies could be diagnosed, especially for special diets.

While some countries advocate the use of iodized salt, fertilizer and animal feed, other countries do not light deficiencies might be frequent depending on where a person lives.

Also, vegetarians and those who eat mostly organic products have to be more aware of how much iodine consumed to achieve the recommended 150 micrograms of iodine on a daily basis (pregnant women or infants must be between 220-290mcg on a daily basis). Here are some iodine-rich food. Kelp: 1/4 cup da 415mcgYogurt: 1 Cup gives 87mcg *milk: 1 Cup gives 59mcg *eggs: 1 egg produces 24mcg *strawberries: 1 Cup gives 13mcgShell fish and fish: can vary from above 70mcg 1000mcg (safe adult upper limit on a daily basis is around 1100mcg)Mozzerela cheese: 1 oz produces 10mcg * this depends on the animal consumes iodine-rich feed.
Fruit and vegetables grown in rich soil iodine also it supplying iodine, but this can vary greatly between regions.

Those who consume a large amount of food processed probably do not have to worry about how to obtain sufficient iodine. However, for those of us who try to eat healthy may be worth spending some time to assess our daily diet to make sure that we're consuming enough. This is particularly important if any signs of deficiency.

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