For the season for colds and flu this year, was thinking about getting a flu vaccine. But I stopped thinking about the mercury containing influenza vaccine.
This made me think: should worry about a stupid cold fish eating mercury-containing all the time?
Is the important thing limiting our mercury containing fish intake?
Mercury is a naturally occurring, but also is a byproduct of pollution and can end up in our rivers and oceans. This is how mercury gets in the supply of fish and then in our bodies.
Fish that contain more mercury are large fish on the food chain: TilefishSharkSwordfishKing MackerelBigeye, albacore and yellowfin tuna TunaOrange RoughyMarlinGrouperBassBluefish
The type of mercury in fish is called methylmercury and is considered a poison. Of course, our bodies cannot tolerate small quantities of toxic compounds. Our bodies are relatively good detoxifying while not overloading the body with toxins. How dangerous is that mercury remains in the body long enough as it is a heavy metal. Poisoning first mercury affects the nervous system and causes changes in temperament. The most sever cases of mercury poisoning can cause brain damage.
The most important thing is for children, pregnant women or women who may become pregnant to limit their intake of fish mercury more than about six ounces per week, or 12 ounces per week of lower mercury fish and seafood. This body developing is much more sensitive to damage from heavy metal.
In comparison, some shots of flu contain a strong dose of mercury, but a different form of mercury called ethylmercury (in the preservative thimerosal) her body degrades more rapidly. A ration of six ounces of tuna clear contains approximately the same amount of mercury as a flu vaccine for adults. Therefore, I can get my flu this year and see my white tuna consumption in its place. I still will be eating less fish of mercury!
Do you, are you ever worried about mercury levels??
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